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Risposta più folle mai trovata su Ebay

Iscritto il:
21/12/2005 19:54
Da Eindhoven, NL
Messaggi: 479
Ecco la risposta data dal venditore di una <a href="http://cgi.ebay.it/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?V ... 030573228">Pentax 67</a> ad un compratore. A quanto pare un semplice "Yes, bye." non bastava!

D: Hello - Is this the mirror lockup (MLU) model? Thanks.

R: An idiot I know very well called Pentax customer service yesterday, advising them that he (me) is selling a Pentax '67' on eBay, and everyone and his mother was asking him if it has MLU. The idiot (me) didn't seem to even have a clue what a MLU was, let alone if it was on the his listed '67'. The idiot (me) told the rep that the Pentax '6x7' he plans to list down the road has the MLU because its manual says so., but since the currently listed 67's operating instructions manual took a hike, he didn't have a clue. The very patient Pentax rep said dryly: 'some Pentax 67's have the MLU and others do not. Sensing near panic from my loud hyper-ventilating though the speaker phone, the asked me if there is a something-or-other on the right side of the body. Not knowing what a something-or-other is, I took the easy route: WHICH RIGHT? LOOKING AT THE CAMERA OR THE CAMERA'S RIGHT? The rep must have sensed how desperate I really was, so he told me to hold the camera as if I were taking a photograph. (I did that like a pro with 2 hands.) He then asked if there was an oval-shaped thingofabob near my right hand fingertips. I looked and saw something right there on the side of the whatchamakallit, and mumbled yes. He said this camera has MLU and asked for my name and tele #, probably to make sure I never could call Pentax again.

Inviato: 25/9/2006 7:59

Granum Salis (Argenti)

Tessera C.F.A.O. n°10.........
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